Detailed Reports of Gaming and Social Networks Activity

Track and Block Any Web and Gaming Activity

Social Media Monitoring and Blocking

Track and restrict time spent on social networks websites including Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter..etc.

Only Block Inappropriate Content On Social Networks

HomeGuard's smart content filter allows you to enable entire websites and only block pages with inappropriate content. For example you can allow Reddit or Tumblr but block posts with adult content.

Gaming and Unproductive Applications Time Restrictions

Detailed activity log of used applications and time restrictions for groups of applications. Choose which applications are unproductive and set when and for how long can they be used.

Youtube and Other Video Streaming Platforms Blocking

Block or limit access to video streaming platforms like Youtube, Netflix, Holo and any other streaming website by content type or individually by address.

HomeGuard Productivity Monitor, Top Applications Monitor top application usage as well as full reports.
HomeGuard Productivity Monitor, Top Websites Printed files, blocked and allowed.

Monitor Productivity and Block Distractions

Granular reports of productive and unproductive activities and applications with total control over which social networks and websites to block and games to restrict. HomeGuard cannot be bypassed with proxy servers and doesn't show up in Task Manager or the list of installed programs. It cannot be deleted or removed without the admin password chosen during installation.

Block None-Work Programs and Websites

Monitor and limit access to none-work related applications during business hours and block all except work websites via whitelists.

HomeGuard Activity Monitor

Boost Productivity by Blocking Distracting Websites and Games

Foolproof Website and Application Restrictions

Monitor and block posts and comments on all social networking websites. Block video streaming and gaming during working hours and record screenshots of all activities.